Help > Telephoning > Dialled calls
Dialled calls
*Further help under Call history
*Further help under Contacts
Dial number manually 
Pick up the receiver > dial a phone number
or with dial preparation
Dial the phone number > Pick up the receiver
*Note: If you want to exit dial preparation without dial the subscriber number entered, press Back .

*Important: On a PBX, enter external numbers with a leading üexchange line access number for accessing the exchange line (usually "0").
*Consult the PBX manual for this.
*Note: When dialling through a standard SIP account, you can prevent automatic output of the area code by entering a leading "#" and thereby reach for example the VoIP provider's voice mailbox.
Dialling from within the call history (all calls) 
> ALL> All > Select phone number/contact
Dialling from within the call history (missed calls) 
> MISSED> All > Select phone number/contact
Messages > You have missed calls.Select from the displayed status bar > Select phone number/contact.
Dialling from within the redial list (outgoing) 
> OUTGOING> All > Select phone number/contact
Redialling> All > Select phone number/contact
Dialling from the contacts list 
> select contact > confirm selection or pick up the receiver
*Note: If more than one number is stored for a contact, you can select the number to call before you pick up the receiver.
Display overview: Own call is forwarded 
aContact profile
bCall duration
cName of the identity to which the call is transmitted
dSubscriber number of the identity to which the call is transmitted
fOwn identity
gRedirected via
hRedirecting identity with phone number display
iHang up