The phone supports IP cameras which send single images in *.jpg file format directly via a static IP address/URL.
The image data must comply with these specifications:
Max. file size 5 MB
An image must not exceed the maximum size of 4 megapixels. No maximum X- or Y-dimension is set.
It does not support IP cameras that are embedded in websites, dynamic IP addresses/URLs or streaming formats.
Call binding is used to set up connections between the partner and the camera, e.g. to connect a door call with a camera.
*Further help under Call bindings
Requirement for use
You need to know the URL, user name and password of the camera to be connected
Web interface:
IP camera
*Details about the settings are in IP camera
*Details about the settings are in Camera
*You will find general details about provisioning and how to provision this function in Auerswald DokuWiki