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Information about Release 2.0
The new or reworked functions below have been published with this Release.
*You will find more information about changes to the firmware and the associated documentation in the Internet at Auerswald Support/FONtevo Support.
The descriptions of particular events can be displayed as popup messages.
*For more information, see Notifications.
Audio connection between phones without active call acceptance. New settings for configuring InterCom:
Beep when connecting
Interrupt active calls
InterCom parameter for Speed dial function key
*For more information, see InterCom.
As part of the SIP stack reconfiguration: Non-identity-specific settings have been moved from Identities to Topology. These setting include:
Check hostname
Frame size
Local SIP port
Jitter buffer settings
STUN Server settings
*For more information, see Topology.
User roles and permissions
Used to restrict the phone's configuration by assigning user roles.
*For more information, see User roles and permissions.
Sync app
For configuring user accounts manually.
*For more information, see Sync.
Event log recording if the phone malfunctions.
*For more information, see Trace.
Status displays also provided in the web interface.
*For more information, see Managing Identities.
Subscription, Register
If there is an error: Sets the interval for registration attempts or for establishing a subscription on the PBX/provider.
*For more information, see Identities.
As part of the SIP stack reconfiguration: The parameters for SIP NAT Traversal have been grouped. The Use ICE function has been implemented.
*For more information, see NAT.
These terms have been added:
*For more information, see Technical Terms and Functions.