Procedure for selecting a ringtone:
If you hover over a ringtone, the system plays it.
If you confirm a selected ringtone, this enables it.
Default ringtone
Assigns a ringtone to inbound calls. This ringtone can be set individually so the user can identify different call types → Ringtones by call type.
*Further help under Sound
Default notification
Assigns a ringtone to notifications (e.g. callback on busy).
*Further help under Sound
Default alarm
Assigns a ringtone to wake-up calls. This can be set individually for each wake-up call → Clock app.
*Further help under Sound
Ringtones by call type
Opens a list of search terms used to determine matches to the alert info in the SIP Invite.
Search term
Search term for determining call types from the alert info. RegExp expressions are supported.
Ringer Tone
Assigns one of the available ringtones to the search term.
*Further help under Sound
Handset sidetone
Turns on the sidetone in the handset for a better sound experience (default).
*Note: In permanently noisy environments, it makes sense to switch off the sidetone. The volume is automatically increased.
*Further help under Sound
Silence on user proximity
Switches Silence on user proximity on.
*Further help under Sound