Basic Settings
Check hostname
Checks whether the certificate belongs to the domain/IP.
*Further help under Network
Sets the RTP packet size (msec Audio/RTP package).
*Further help under Network
RTP off when silent
Ends the sending of RTP packets if no active conversation is taking place.
*Note: If this function is switched on, parts of the call can seem like breaks in the connection because background noises are cut off sharply.
*Further help under Network
Compact SIP headers
If the provider requires it: Uses compact SIP headers to reduce packet sizes.
*Further help under Network
No TCP for UDP
If the provider requires it: Prevents switching to TCP for large packets.
*Note: If this function is switched off, large packets are sent via TCP instead of UDP in accordance with RFC.
*Further help under Network
If this function is enabled, LLDP packages are sent regularly to the directly connected LLDP-enabled switch.
*Further help under Network
LLDP: Interval in seconds
LLDP package sending frequency
30 to 3600 sec
Minimum: 30 sec
Default: 30 sec
*Further help under Network