Help > Telephoning > Conference call
Conference call
All the options listed above are for a conference call that you have initiated yourself.
*Further help under Call and transfer
Display overview: Preliminary stage of conference call 
aContact profile
bDuration of active conversation
cIdentity of the active conversation
dSubscriber number of active conversation
fOwn identity
gHang up
hConference call setup
iConnect partner
jIdentity of on-hold call
kDuration of on-hold call
lContact profile of on-hold call
Display overview: Active conference 
aContact profile, conference call participant 1
bContact profile, conference call participant 2
cIdentity, conference call participant 2
dSubscriber number, conference call participant 2
eConference call duration
fOwn identity
gDisconnect conference call
hConnect partner
iSubscriber number, conference call participant 1
jIdentity, conference call participant 2
Initiating a call 
there is an existing connection between you and at least two other subscribers.
Splitting a call 
Select subscriber >
*Note: Press againto restore the conference.
Connecting the other two conference call partners to each other 
Splitting a conference call 
One subscriber is put on hold and there is an active connection with the other subscriber. You can change between holding a call and an active call.
Press Hold to do this.
Holding a conference call and initiating an additional call 
Select Conference > Hold > > OK
The conference call partners are put on hold and hear music on hold.
When the call ends, you can continue the conference call by pressing Hold again.
Ending a call with a conference call partner 
Select the subscriber for whom you want to close the connection >
Then, there will only be a connection with the remaining subscriber.
Ending a conference call completely 
To do this, hang up the receiver