Setting up an identity is mandatory for the phone to operate and is therefore part of the initial setup.
*For the initial setup, please also consult the phone's instructions.
An identity contains all the configuration data needed to register with a PBX/provider and be able to make calls via it.
Up to 6 identities for different PBXs and/or VoIP providers can be set up for the phone and activated if necessary (also as a fallback). This means the phone can e.g. be operated in parallel for several locations or companies on several PBXs.
Default identity for outgoing calls 
Incoming calls are possible via all activated and registered identities. The current standard identity is automatically used for outgoing calls.
If only one identity has been configured, it is automatically the default identity. However, if more than one identity is set up and activated, you can switch from the first default identity to another using a function key.
*Caution: The default identity does not switch automatically.
If a default identity fails, the LED of the associated function key flashes yellow.
Fallback identities can be set up to maintain operations in the event of failures.
A separate "Identity" function key is required for each identity to switch the default identity. By pressing the function key, the associated identity becomes the default identity. The previous default identity loses this status and is only available for future calls.
Switching (toggling) between the existing identities can also be carried out using a single "Default identity" function key. The identity can optionally be automatically adjusted in all function keys assigned to speed dialing.
*Note: The “Default Identity” function key is not included in the standard scope of the phone and can be added by importing the corresponding template.
*Further help in the Auerswald DokuWiki
Fallback identity 
A fallback identity that has been configured maintains the operation of the system if the actively used identities fail. The phone also transfers the function keys from the failed identity to the fallback identity, provided the functions are also available on the fallback PBX or the fallback provider. The phone can continue to be used as usual.
If an identity fails, the assigned fallback identity is automatically registered on the PBX/provider. This process starts automatically and may take a few minutes. Once a fallback identity is active, the message key lights up and informs the user of the current status.
After the originally used identity is restored, the fallback solution is automatically disabled and the original operation resumes.
Each identity can only have one fallback identity and vice versa. You cannot set up a chain or ring.
The fallback identity must be configured on a different PBX or at a different provider.
Connections are encrypted to prevent listening in.
The connection setup and termination, as well as the signaling is encrypted with SIPS. SRTP (Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol) is used to encrypt call data.
To use SIPS, a certificate must be provided. The certificate must be known to the PBX/provider.
*Important: If you are using this on a PBX, the PBX specifies the encryption method. In contrast, you must adjust the encryption settings on the phone.
For each identity, various settings for outbound proxy, NAT, various ports, etc. must be made.

The outbound proxy is an intermediate server that processes all VoIP requests and connections going to the provider (except for registration).
You must make settings in the outbound proxy range if:
the IP address cannot be resolved
an outbound proxy is present in your own network
the provider requires an outbound proxy
Requirements for configuration
Data provided by the provider/administrator for the outbound proxy

NAT (Network Address Translation) converts an IP address, for example of a private network, into an IP address on the public network. This gives all computers that communicate with each other in the private network access to the Internet via a single IP address. However, the internal IP addresses on the private network are not accessible for the Internet.
*Important: Every open port on the NAT router is a security risk. Apply the appropriate security measures.
Requirements for configuration
DNS server set up
STUN server set up
*Further help under Network
Priority for name display - name sources 
The phone can determine the name of a phone number, which is shown on the display for incoming/outgoing calls, from various name sources.
These name sources are available:
Speed dial
The set order of the name sources corresponds to the priority with which a determined name is used.
*Note: The sequence in which the name sources are displayed corresponds to their default settings.
*Note: If the list is empty, only the phone numbers are displayed.
For SIP-P-Asserted-Identity, SIP-To-From and SIP-Contact: if the SIP contact in the SIP header contains a display name, this is the name used in the display.
For speed dialling keys, contacts and LDAP: The phone number in memory is shown on the display. If an entry with a suitable number is found, its name is displayed. If a label has been set for a speed dialling key, this label is displayed.
Support for voicemail boxes in the PBX 
A voicemail box configured in the PBX can be linked to the selected identity by specifying the associated voicemail number. Messages and announcements are not stored on the phone, but on the PBX.
*Important: Voicemail boxes from the following PBXs are supported:
COMpact 4000
COMpact 5010/5020 VoIP
COMpact 5000/5000R
COMpact 5200/5200R/5500R
COMmander 6000/R/RX
Requirements for configuration 
You need the following information:
The internal number configured for the phone (Example: 557) → SIP Username
The associated password → Password
The PBX's IP address (Example: → SIP Registrar
The username configured for the account (Example: → SIP Username
The associated password → Password
The VoIP provider's URL (Example: → SIP Registrar
*Note: Setting up via provisioning is particularly recommended when operating on a PBX.
*Further help under Using provisioning

Manual setup:
1.Make settings, input required for:SIP Username, Password, SIP Registrar
2.Enable an identity
Web interface: 
*Details about the settings are in Identities
*Note: Most of the settings required for identities can be set separately for each identity. Only some network settings relating to telephony can be found across identities in the topology area of the network settings (e.g. LLDP, jitter buffer, STUN server).
*Further help under Network
Function keys> Choose a key >Function: Identity / Default identity / various
*Note: Various functions available for function keys such as speed dialling, do not disturb and call forwarding refer to individual identities. If a function is to be used for all established identities, the relevant function key must configured for each identity (exception: fallback identity).
*Details about the settings are in Function keys
Settings > Identities
*Details about the settings are in Identities
*Note: Most of the settings required for identities can be set separately for each identity. Only some network settings relating to telephony can be found across identities in the topology area of the network settings (e.g. LLDP, jitter buffer, STUN server).
*Further help under Network
Settings > Function keys> Choose a key >Choose a function: Identity / Default identity / various
*Note: Various functions available for function keys such as speed dialling, do not disturb and call forwarding refer to individual identities. If a function is to be used for all established identities, the relevant function key must configured for each identity (exception: fallback identity).
*Details about the settings are in Function keys
*Details about provisioning this function in the Auerswald DokuWiki at Setting and Key
Video: Setup on a Telekom Cloud PBX 
*Link to video (only in German)
Video: Setting up a fallback identity 
*Link to video (only in German)