Help > Using the Web Interface > Function keys > Edit function keys
Edit function keys
Level (1 – 3)
Click on one of the Level tabs (1 – 3) to jump between the 3 different key levels.
Selects the function and displays the necessary parameters.
*Details about the settings are in Functions and associated parameters
*Note: To use additional function templates, activate the Auerswald/Fontevo templates.
*Further help under Function templates
Edit Icon
Displays the menu in which you select and adjust the required image file for use as an icon for the function key.
*Details about the settings are in Edit Icon
Key label
Displayed beside each function key on the screen.
Reset level
Removes the function assigned to the key on the current level.
Reset all levels
Deletes the functions assigned to the key on all levels.
Closes the menu without adopting changes.
Saves the entered parameters and close the window.