Help > Telephoning > Call
*Further help under Call and transfer
Display overview: Active conversation 
aContact profile
bConversation duration
cIdentity SUB 1
dSubscriber number SUB 1
fIdentity 2
gHang up
Putting a call on hold 
Active call > Hold
Reconnecting an on-hold call 
To do this, press Hold again
tap it on the display
Accepting a call 
During an active call, the LED on the key with the Speed dialling function assigned to it shines red. Press the key with the Speed dialling function assigned to it to pick up the call.
*Note: This function is useful, for example, in the case of answering machines. The prerequisite is that call takeover is permitted in the PBX.
*Consult the PBX manual for this.
Muting a call 
Switching off muting 
To do this, press Microphone again
Ending a call 
To do this, hang up the receiver
*Note: If you want to end the existing call and then start a new one, tap and then start dial the next number.
*Note: When your call partner ends the call, your phone goes into its idle state. If you hang up the receiver, you will hear the busy signal through the base unit loudspeaker if the receiver has been hung up incorrectly.
Sending a DTMF signal during a call 
To do this, enter digits and special characters
*Note: The selected numbers and characters are displayed in the screen for some seconds and you can hear the associated sound.