Help > Using the Phone > Calls (Call history)
Calls (Call history)
*Note: Tap on an entry in the list to dial it.
*Note: If several (incoming, outgoing or missed) calls with the same subscriber number occur one after the other, they are grouped and displayed as a single call.
*Note: To leave the call history press back .

A Call list ALL 
Lists all calls sorted chronologically.
B Call list MISSED 
Lists all calls, sorted chronologically.
C Call list OUTGOING 
Lists all outgoing calls, sorted chronologically.
D or alternatively OK key 
Displays a list containing these options:
Call details: Shows more details about the selected call.
Edit number before call: Displays the previously selected phone number and allows editing or deleting.
Add contact: Switches to the menu for adding a contact.
*Details about the settings are in Edit/Add contact
Clear entry: Deletes the selected entry in the call history.
*Note: Alternatively, press Delete .
*Note: To delete the entire list, press Delete for approximately 2 seconds.
E Entry 
Displays information about the call or call partner such as phone number/contact with profile picture, call time and date and the call type:
Accepted call
Missed call
Outgoing call
Unsuccessful outgoing call
Successfully forwarded call
Rerouted call
Call taken externally

*Further help under Call history