Help > Telephoning > Query Calls
Query Calls
*Further help under Call and transfer
Dispaly overview: 1 participant on hold 
aStatus Holding
bIdentity of SUB put on hold
cOwn identity
fConversation duration
Display overview: 1 participant on hold, 1 participant in call 
aStatus Call
bSUB (in call) with call duration
cSUB on hold with connection duration
dJoin Connects SUB in call with held SUB
Dispaly overview: 1 participant on hold, 1 participant in call 
aStatus Connected.
bSUB in call with connection duration
cSUB on hold with connection duration
dJoin Connects SUB in call with held SUB
Initiating a query call (during a call) 
Hold > enter destination number/contact > OK
OK > enter destination number/contact > OK
Hold > softkeyDial > enter destination number/contact > OK
When you connect a COMfortel D-XT20/D-XT20i:
Hold > Speed dial key (key extension module)
press the speed dial button (key extension module)
Ending the query call and returning to the previous call 
Softkey End> Hold
Softkey End> OK
Splitting a call (during a query call) 
Select the call partner to whom you want to change > Hold
Ending one of the two calls 
Either one of the call partners hangs up the receiver
you can select the call partner for whom you want to end the call > soft keyEnd
Connecting the two call partners to each other 
To do this, hang up the receiver
Softkey Join