Help > Using the Phone > Settings > About phone
About phone
Device name
The name you assign to the device.
*Further help under Display and LED
Displays your device's model details.
Serial number
Displays your device's serial number.
Keypad serial number
Displays the serial number of the keyboard PCB installed on your device.
Build number
Displays the build number of the software version installed on the device.
MAC address
Displays your device's physical address on the network.
Android version
Displays the Android version installed on your device.
Kernel version
Displays the kernel version in use on your device.
Update system version
Displays the update system version in use on your device.
Bootloader version
Displays the bootloader version in use on your device.
Network chip
Model of the network chip integrated in the phone.
SPL version
Displays the SPL version.
Operating hours
Displays the operating hours of the device for service purposes.
Operating hours since last repair
For service purposes, displays the operating hours since the device was last repaired.
Here, you can display the following license information:
End User License Agreement
Data protection
Open source licenses
Android licenses
Webclient licenses