Help > Telephoning > Dialled calls
Dialled calls
*Further help under Call history
*Further help under Contacts
Dial number manually 
Pick up the receiver > dial a phone number
or with dial preparation
Dial the phone number > Pick up the receiver
*Note: If you want to exit dial preparation without dial the subscriber number entered, press Back .

*Important: On a PBX, enter external numbers with a leading üexchange line access number for accessing the exchange line (usually "0").
*Consult the PBX manual for this.
*Note: When dialling through a standard SIP account, you can prevent automatic output of the area code by entering a leading "#" and thereby reach for example the VoIP provider's voice mailbox.
Dialling from within the call history (all calls) 
Softkey Calls> select the required phone number > pick up the receiver
Dialling from within the call history (missed calls) 
Softkey Calls> softkeyMissed> select the required phone number > pick up the receiver
Message key > You have missed calls.> OK> select the required phone number > pick up the receiver
Dialling from within the redial list (outgoing) 
Softkey Calls> softkeyOutgoing> select the required phone number > pick up the receiver
Redial list button> select the required phone number > pick up the receiver
Dialling from the contacts list 
Softkey Contact> Select contact > OK> Pick up the receiver
*Note: If more than one number is stored for a contact, you can select the number to call before you pick up the receiver.