Help > About ... > The product COMfortel D-110/D-210 > Initial Commissioning > Manual commissioning at the provider
Manual commissioning at the provider
To operate the telephone, it is essential to set up an identity (here: provider). You need the following information:
The username configured for the account (Example: → SIP Username
The associated password → Password
The VoIP provider's URL (Example: → SIP Registrar

1.Connect the telephone.
The Message key flashes.
The company logo is first shown on the display for 2 - 3 minutes, followed by the information that provisioning data is being searched for.
The IP address of the phone is shown at the top right of the display.
2.Write down the IP address.
*Note: Make the settings afterwards as follows:
Navigate/select: cross control ,
Enter: Keypad
Confirm: OK
3.Set the language and location.
Softkey Country > Phone language
Web interface
4.Optional: Switch back to the initial setup menu and activate access to the web interface.
Back> softkeyWebUI
5.Set up the identity and activate the identity.
Softkey Menu > Settings > Identities > 1:
SIP Username
SIP Registrar
The phone registers with the provider and is then ready to use.
*Further help under Identities