Help > Functions and applications > Announcement before answering
Announcement before answering
This function announcement before answering allows a greeting message to be played to the caller before accepting the call and/or if all group members are busy. If busy, callers are then put on hold in the waiting loop.
The Busy-on-Busy function can be used to limit the number of calls put on hold. This prevents more callers from being connected to the waiting loop than can be answered in the available time. Waiting calls are held for a limited time.
*Further help under Busy-on-Busy
Calls are accepted with announcement before answering in the following way:
1.The call is accepted by the PBX (also if busy).
2.Callers hear an announcement while the free group members are called.
The following rules/restrictions apply:
The external caller is charged.
Optionally, free group members can be called after the announcement.
If all the group members are busy, callers are put on hold after the announcement.
3.As soon as one of the called group members lifts the handset or ends the call beforehand in the event of a busy call, they are connected to the person on hold.
The following rules/restrictions apply:
Waiting calls are put on hold by the PBX for a limited time after the announcement before answering (max. 8 minutes in the delivery state). If the call is not taken within this time, it is disconnected.
If internal telephones ring but do not answer the call, the normal call duration applies (depending on the ringing end device).
Managing and assigning audio files for announcements. If required, switching on music on hold also during the ringing period.
Functions > Music on Hold/announcements
Configuring announcement before answering separately for groups. If required, additionnaly configuring Busy-on-Busy.
Groups > Phone number > > Reachability
Configuring announcement before answering configuration-dependent.
Groups > Profiles > > Reachability
Alternative function on an internal phone:
Recording, listening to and deleting announcements.
*Description of operation under Announcement before answering