Help > Functions and applications > Call forwarding > Call Forwarding for groups
Call Forwarding for groups
When call forwarding for groups is used, internal and external calls to a group can be rerouted to other internal telephones or external connections. In this way, a person that is not a member of this group and therefore cannot log in, can receive these calls.
Call forwarding for groups makes sure that someone is always available on the group number, even if the calls cannot be taken by a member of the group.
For call forwarding to an external number: The external destination must be reachable for the user. For this, the exchange line routing settings (with block- and allowlist) that apply for the group are proved before a call forwarding is executed.
*Further help under Exchange line routing
*Note: To avoid having to use a second call channel in the case of call forwarding to an external destination, the PBX tries to reroute the call directly at the network provider using call deflection. The following requirements must be fulfilled for this purpose: 1. The incoming call was made via a VoIP network provider supporting call deflection. 2. The rerouted phone number is neither called as a group member, nor is it required to consider parallel calling or fallback on busy.
Enabling the following authorisations separately for the involved internal users: CF (groups) / Follow-me,Controlling of the PBX via phone,Configuring CF (sub) to ext. number
User > Phone numbers > > Configure > Authorisations
Enabling the authorisations for the involved internal users configuration-dependent/time-controlled:
User > Profiles > > Authorisations
Configuring, enabling call forwarding separately for groups and making the following additional settings: only external calls,CF on group call
Groups > Phone numbers > > Reachability
Configuring, enabling call forwarding configuration-dependent/time-controlled for groups and making the additional settings.
Groups > Profiles > > Reachability
Alternative functions on an internal phone
*Note: For configuring using a character string on an internal phone, the user needs an authorisation for controlling of the PBX.
Configuring, enabling and disabling unconditional call forwardig
Configuring, enabling and disabling call forwardig if busy
Configuring, enabling and disabling call forwardig on no reply
*Description of operation under Call Forwarding for groups