Provisioning files
Provisioning files contain configurations for phones or DECT base stations. For Auerswald/FONtevo IP phones and DECT base stations, these provisioning files are *.xml or *.cfg files, built after a defined scheme. They contain e.g. account, provider or function key information.
Usually, a provisioning file is assigned to all devices of a type. If an IP phone or DECT base station requests a provisioning, the PBX replaces the data of the provisioning file with suitable data content .
A provisioning file that was not generated in the PBX (e.g. via a backup of the telephone), is typically applicable for only one user, as the file contains personal data such as account information. Provisioning data is user-specific if they contain at least user name and password of the user at the VoIP account.
Provisioning templatesĀ 
All provisioning files provided in the PBX are device templates with a defined scheme. These files cannot be changed, deleted or exported.
Another provisioning file can be made from these templates in two different ways so that for example certain devices of a device type can be configured separately.
*Further help under Creating provisioning file
Variables as placeholderĀ 
Variables for the parameters to be provisioned are created as placeholders in the configuration files provided by the PBX.
Provisioning examines a file to be delivered to the phone. The recognised variable names are replaced by the values from the PBX configuration. The changed file is then sent to the device to be provisioned.