Provider name
Provider with whom the account was set up.
*Further help under VoIP telephony
Account name
Freely selectable name. This name is used to identify the account within the PBX.
*Further help under VoIP telephony
Connection type
Connection type to be used with the account.
*Further help under VoIP telephony
The PBX uses the account for external calls.
*Further help under VoIP telephony
Displays the actual status of the VoIP account.
*Further help under VoIP telephony
Name of the provider | Configure
Opens the configuration of the provider.
*Note: You can obtain the data for the settings either directly from the provider or from suitable lists in the Internet.
*Details about settings under Provider
Name of the account | Configure
Opens the configuration of the account.
*Note: You will receive the settings data from the provider with whom you have set up the account.
*Details about settings under Account
Creates a new entry for the account list.
If the required provider does not exist, it can be added by importing a file or loading of a provider template from the Internet.
*Further help under VoIP telephony
Deletes the entries marked in the list.
If the required provider does not exist, it can be added by importing a file or loading of a provider template from the Internet.
*Further help under Templates