Number presentation (outgoing)
Select the provider to be displayed/configured.
*Further help under VoIP telephony
Format of called phone number
Format in which the provider requires the phone number of the destination, to enable the VoIP provider to transfer the call. The PBX automatically converts the phone numbers dialled into this format for calls made via the provider.
Country code with leading zeroes (e.g. 00495306...)
The destination phone number is transmitted from the PBX to the provider with the entire country code.
Country code with leading + sign (e.g. +495306...)
The destination phone number is transmitted from the PBX to the provider with the entire country code in mobile telephony format.
Country code without leading zeroes (e.g. 495306...)
The destination phone number is transmitted from the PBX to the provider with a shortened country code, without the international prefix (digit).
Without country code (e.g. 05306...)
The destination phone number is transmitted from the PBX to the provider without its own country code but with the local area code.
Local area code without leading zero (e.g. 5306...)
The destination phone number is transmitted to the provider with local area code without leading zero.
send as dialled
The PBX transmits the destination phone number to the provider, as dialled.
*Note: If prefixes are necessary for converting, the prefixes set for the account are used.
*Further help under Number presentation
Format of own phone number
Format in which the provider requires the phone number. The PBX checks, whether and which one of the specified telephone numbers is to be transferred and converts this phone number automatically into the selected format.
Country code with leading zeroes (e.g. 0049...)
The phone number to be transmitted is transmitted with the entire country code to the provider.
Country code with leading + sign (e.g. +49...)
The phone number to be transmitted is transmitted to the provider with the entire country code in mobile telephony format.
Country code without leading zeroes (e.g. 495306...)
The phone number to be transmitted to the provider with a shortened country code (without international prefix (number).
Without country code (e.g. 05306...)
The phone number to be transmitted is transmitted to the provider without country and local area code.
Only MSN or main number and DDI
The phone number, that is to be transferred, is sent to the provider without prefixes (e.g. 920082 or 92008279).
Only DDI (only possible for PTP connection)
The phone number, that is to be transferred, is sent to the provider without prefixes and PBX base number (e.g. 8279).
Local area code without leading zero (e.g. 5306...)
The phone number to be transmitted is transmitted to the provider with local area code without leading zero.
*Note: If prefixes are necessary for converting, the prefixes set for the account are used.
*Further help under Number presentation
Format of CLIP no screening phone number
Format in which the provider requires the phone number. The PBX checks, whether CLIP co screening is enabled and which one of the specified telephone numbers is to be transferred and converts this phone number automatically into the selected format.
Country code with leading zeroes (e.g. 0049...)
The phone number to be transmitted is transmitted with the entire country code to the provider.
Country code with leading + sign (e.g. +49...)
The phone number to be transmitted is transmitted to the provider with the entire country code in mobile telephony format.
Country code without leading zeroes (e.g. 495306...)
The phone number to be transmitted to the provider with a shortened country code (without international prefix (number).
Without country code (e.g. 05306...)
The phone number to be transmitted is transmitted to the provider without country and local area code.
Local area code without leading zero (e.g. 5306...)
The phone number to be transmitted is transmitted to the provider with local area code without leading zero.
*Note: If prefixes are necessary for converting, the prefixes set for the account are used.
*Further help under Number presentation
Number presentation type
In the display text
In the user name
In accordance with RFC3325 with P-Asserted-Identity
In accordance with RFC3325 with P-Preferred-Identity
*Further help under Number presentation
Method of number presentation suppression
Area of the From header in which the provider expects to receive the number presentation suppression.
No display text
If number presentation suppression is switched on, an empty display text is sent in the From header.
The sent display text in the From header is "anonymous" if number presentation suppression is switched on.
User Anonymous
If number presentation suppression is switched on, both the display text and the user name section in the From header contain "anonymous".
*Note: Number presentation suppression in accordance with RFC 3325 using a privacy header is also used automatically.
*Further help under Number presentation