Help > Functions and applications > Short-code number
Short-code number
With the aid of short-code dialling numbers, longer digit sequences can be dialled more easily. Alternatively, sequences of macro commands can be executed.
Both options can be used, for example, to simplify frequently used digit sequences for operating or programming the PBX.
*Further help under Short Reference Phone

Not supported::
Replacing an internal call number with another internal call number.
Integration of a macro in another macro.
Dialling a short-code number is carried out as follows:

Short-code number with simple digit sequence e.g. for logging out of all groups
Phone number123, Macro sequence ##8*400#
1.Dial the short-code number 123 on an internal telephone.
2.The PBX dials ##8*400#.

Short code number with sequence of macro commands, e.g. for calling a service with automatic reception
Phone number123, Macro sequence Z080012345CW2Z2
1.Dial the short-code number 123 on an internal telephone.
2.Command Z080012345: The PBX dials/starts a call to the telephone number 080012345.
The following rules/restrictions apply:
While the PBX is processing the macro commands, there is only a one-way audio connection. It is possible to listen in on the phone, but not to actively participate.
Hanging up prematurely on the telephone cancels the sequence of macro commands.
If there is a problem/error when evaluating the macro commands, the PBX terminates. You will hear a busy tone for 2 seconds.
3.Command C: The PBX is waiting for the connection to be established.
4.Command W2: The PBX waits an additional 2 seconds.
5.Command Z2: The PBX transmits the digit 2 via DTMF.
6.After processing the macro commands, the connection is completely established.
The following rules/restrictions apply:
The connection can be continued and can be terminated by hanging up on the telephone.
If the sequence of macro commands ends with H for hang up, the PBX automatically hangs up after processing the macro commands. A complete connection is not established.
If subsequently dialled digits are not to be saved as a macro command, they can be dialled directly after dialling the short code number. The PBX first processes the sequence of macro commands and then dials subsequently selected digits.
Configuring short-code dialling numbers.
Functions > Short-code number