Help > Using the web interface > Groups > Phone numbers > Configure > Exchange line settings
Exchange line settings
Select the group you want to display/configure.
*Further help under Groups
Overridden by profile
The settings done are only valid as long as they are not overridden by a profile.
[Name configuration] 
In the displayed configuration, the function is overridden by the displayed setting.
not overridden 
The function is currently not overridden by a profile.
(not profile-controlled) 
The function cannot be controlled with a profile.
*Further help under Profiles
Exchange line routing (outgoing)
Defines by selecting a rule under which conditions exchange line calls are performed.
*Further help under Exchange line routing
Own number
Assigns an account, and therefore also a location, to the group. You can select the accounts that have been assigned to the group in the call distribution.
*Further help under Number presentation
Transmit the own number
Defines the phone number of the assigned account as the phone number that will handle outgoing phone numbers.
*Further help under Number presentation