Phone number
Internal number, freely selectable from the numbers in the internal supply of phone numbers. This number is then used for distributing calls and can be called directly by another internal user.
*Note: The internal number entered here needs to be entered in the telephone as the (first) MSN.
*Further help under Internal numbers
*Further help under User
Freely selectable name. This name is used to identify the user within the PBX and from connected phones. The name can also be transferred to the VoIP end devices via the LDAP server.
*Further help under User
Opens a list of options for further view and editing of the user.
Opens the configuration of the user.
*Details about settings under Configure
*Further help under User
Contact image
Opens the configuration of the contact image for the user.
*Details about settings under Contact image
*Further help under Incoming Calls
The list is filtered by the entered or selected value.
Adds a new user. You must then make the settings for this new user.
*Further help under User
Deletes the entries marked in the list.