Help > Using the web interface > User > Phone numbers > Configure > Voice mail and fax boxes
Voice mail and fax boxes
Select the user to be displayed/configured.
Overridden by profile
The settings done are only valid as long as they are not overridden by a profile.
[Name configuration] 
In the displayed configuration, the function is overridden by the displayed setting.
not overridden 
The function is currently not overridden by a profile.
(not profile-controlled) 
The function cannot be controlled with a profile.
*Further help under Profiles
Fax box | Telephone number of the box
A created fax box for the user is required in order to have the possibility of selecting a telephone number.
*Note: If it is not clear whether it is a fax or not, the call will be signalled to the user or it will be accepted by the voice mailbox.
*Note: A fax call which is accepted by a voice mailbox will not be forwarded to a fax box.
*Further help under Voice mail and fax boxes
Voice mailbox | Telephone number of the box
A created voice mailbox for the user is required in order to have the possibility of selecting a telephone number.
Both the user and the selected voice mailbox will be automatically called for all incoming calls made to the internal number of the user.
*Note: If call forwarding immediately (user/group) is enabled, the call will not be made to the voice mailbox.
*Further help under Voice mail and fax boxes
Voice mailbox | Call acceptance type
The voice mailbox will be called immediately.
on busy
The voice mailbox will be called if the internal number of the user is busy and if no call forwarding on busy has been enabled for the user.
on no reply
The voice mailbox will be called after expiration of the entered delay time.
on no reply + on busy
The voice mailbox will be called if the user does not reply or if the internal number of the user is busy.
*Further help under Voice mail and fax boxes
Call acceptance time on no reply
Call acceptance during the time entered here.
*Further help under Voice mail and fax boxes