Phone numbers
Telephone Number
Internal number, freely selectable from the numbers in the internal supply of phone numbers.
*Further help under Internal numbers
*Further help under Voice mail and fax boxes
Freely selectable name. This name is used to identify the box within the PBX and the connected VoIP phones.
*Further help under Voice mail and fax boxes
Voice mailbox/Fax box
Select a voicemail or fax box.
*Further help under Voice mail and fax boxes
Select the internal number of a user or group that is to be assigned to the box.
An owner (user or group) can query the box. If the administrator has not refused the access authorisation, the owner can perform the following changes/actions using the web interface:
Copying, moving, and deleting messages
Adjustment of box properties which are not controlled via a profile under Features (except User/authorisations and Maximum recording capacity)
Adjustment of properties of users and groups which are not controlled via a profile under Voice mail and fax boxes > Functional Overview
For a voice mailbox, the owner can additionally perform the following changes/actions:
Recording, storing in the PBX, reading from the PBX (downloading), listening to and deleting of announcements
Adjustment of box properties which are not controlled via a profile under Call acceptance/announcement
The following properties of the owner will be applied to the box:
Exchange line routing of the user or group (for a group, the box has no exchange line authorisation with the setting Exchange line routing:like user)
*Note: Boxes can be preconfigured by not assigning an owner to the box. Nevertheless, the boxes cannot be used until an owner is assigned.
*Further help under Voice mail and fax boxes
Messages (saved / maximum)
Number of the stored and the maximum possible messages.
*Further help under Voice mail and fax boxes
Properties (in use / maximum)
The maximum possible and already used by messages data storage in MB.
*Further help under Voice mail and fax boxes
Opens the configuration of the voice mailbox or the fax box.
*Details about settings under Configure
The list is filtered by the entered or selected value.
Depending on the selection, a new voice mailbox or fax box will be added. You must then make the settings for this box.
Several boxes with a contiguous number range can be created in the fields from | until.
*Further help under Voice mail and fax boxes
Deletes the entries marked in the list.